Be a part of the journey at Divine Word Catholic Church


Welcome to the website of Divine Word Catholic Church!  You can find us at 8100 Eagle Road in lovely Kirtland, Ohio. 


Our church was established July 1, 1977 by decree of the Most Reverend James A. Hickey, Bishop of Cleveland.  The original number of parishioners started around 300 families, and we’ve grown to a thriving and active community of over 1200 families.  We are fortunate to be led in faith by our current Pastor – Fr. Dave Woost.

If you are looking for a place to grow your faith, come and join us.  We are always looking to add more families to our family!

Why You Should Join Us:

We have an incredible church staff that truly cares about our families and community.  We offer many opportunities for spiritual connection and outreach.  Our sacramental programs are known across the community for being spiritually powerful.  And we are looking to grow!

To register to join our Divine Word Parish Family, please click this link or call the office at 440.256.1412.

Worship With Us:

Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am (live-streamed Mass) & 11:00 am

Rosary: Monday through Friday at 8:00 am

Weekday Liturgy: Monday through Friday at 8:30 am

Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm, or by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration:  Every Monday 9 am – 10 pm; Except Holidays

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday:           9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday:      Closed

The office is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, January 2, Martin Luther King, Jr Day; Presidents’ Day, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day & the Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve & Day, December 26, and New Year’s Eve.

Follow Us on Our Social Pages

Live Mass:


Also, located on the WORSHIP tab in the Menu above.


1) Go to
2) Type in our zip code 44094
3) Select Divine Word
4) Type in your information to create your account

Eucharistic Adoration:

Mondays 9 am to 10 pm

Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

If interested in a specified hour or if you cannot keep your designated hour, please contact Debbie Lokar at [email protected] at the parish office.

“Jesus waits for us in the sacrament of love and you are greatly needed” (Pope John Paul II).

Weekly Email:


Are you getting our Divine Word Weekly Updates?  

If not, contact Shari at [email protected] and she’ll add you to our weekly e-mail updates.

If your e-mail address changes, be sure to let us know.

Prayer Chain Ministry:

Prayer Chain Ministry

For prayer requests or to add your e-mail address, contact Gina Rensi at [email protected]

Guided by Grace:

Parish Nurse

To Schedule a Visit from our Parish Nurse, please call the parish office at (440) 256-1412 and request a visit from Floreene.

Click here to see Floreene’s page Guided By Grace.

Parish News and Events:

Lenten Book Study:

Lenten Book Series 2025 (2)

The parish is offering a free copy of:

Prayer Works: Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality by Matthew Leonard to each household this Lent.

Copies will be available in the Gathering Area of the church beginning Saturday, February 15th. A book study sign-up will also be available. The study groups will meet one day during the weeks of March 3rd, 10th, and 17th.

Catholic Chairties:

Catholic Charities Appeal 2025

Save the date: Catholic Charities Appeal will take place NEXT weekend, February 15-16 during all Masses. To make a gift today, visit or text CCHOPE to 41444.

Holy Name Society:

St. Patrick Day Dinner will be on March 15.  Purchase tickets at the Parish Office or click here to purchase.

In His Sandals:

Meets Wednesdays at 3 pm. Check the Weekly Bulletin for location.

Joseph House:

Check the OUTREACH tab for more information.

Young Catholic Moms:

Young Catholic Moms

Young Catholic Moms gather in homes on a monthly to discuss a Catholic readings.

Moms can come with or without their children!

Time and location are subject to change depending on interest in hosting.

If you would like more information, please call parishioner Katie Mormile at (440) 488- 2803.

False Emails and Faux Texts from Fr. Dave:

Please be aware that a number of parishioners have received false emails from Fr. Dave, and now it seems people are also being texted.

Law enforcement has advised that we should not respond to the email or text.  If you receive false information, please discard it.

Diocese of Cleveland Hotline

To Report Suspected Abuse To the Diocese: (216) 334-2999

To Get Assistance with Counseling: (216) 334-2999