Worship With Us:

Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am (live-streamed mass) & 11:00 am

Rosary: Monday through Friday at 8:00 am

Weekday Liturgy: Monday through Friday at 8:30 am

Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm, or by appointment


We are located at 8100 Eagle Road in lovely Kirtland, Ohio.

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9 am – 5 pm.  Call us at (440) 256-1412 during those hours, or you may leave a message on other days/times.

To register to join our Divine Word Parish Family, please click the link below!

News and Updates

In His Sandals Walking Group  The next meeting of the “In His Sandals” walking group will be on Wednesday, December 4th at 3:00 pm at Orchard Hills Park.

Joseph House  With the colder months approaching, Joseph House is in urgent need of the following items:Winter coats for men, women and children, hats and gloves, blankets and comforters (all sizes). Please bring your donations to the Parish Office. Thank you!

The Joseph House Ministry is beginning a new mentoring program in conjunction with Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services (MRS). Learn how you can give of your time and talents to help our newest neighbors as a Refugee Family Mentor. Call Maureen Powers, Joseph House Executive Director, at 216-431-7200 or Sharon O’Flaherty, Joseph House Board of Directors, at 440-488-1225. “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35

To Schedule a Visit from our Parish Nurse, please call the parish office at (440) 256-1412 and request a visit from Floreene. Click here to see Floreene’s page Guided By Grace.

Are you getting our Divine Word Weekly Updates?  If not, contact Shari at sallwood@divinewordkirtland.org and she’ll add you to our weekly e-mail updates.  If your e-mail address changes, be sure to let us know.

Upcoming Activities

Advent Moments Videos   Throughout Advent, Fr. Dave will post a short 1-2 minute video each weekday to aid you in your Advent meditation. The videos will help you to connect the meaning of Advent with your daily life by referencing the Scripture of the day. Please join us so that we can journey together in prayerful preparation for our Lord and Savior.

Monday, December 2nd: https://youtu.be/WpGLWs0HSy0

Tuesday, December 3rd: https://youtu.be/OaAjCS2xyok

Wednesday, December 4th: https://youtu.be/Qs0Pjd5qpx8

Thursday, December 5th: https://youtu.be/0rSEqJ_oQV0

Friday, December 6th: https://youtu.be/MwMTMVg1ZJY


Our Lady’s Guild Annual Christmas Dinner Our Lady’s Guild Annual Christmas Dinner will be on Saturday, December 14th at 1:00 pm at Vittorio’s in Wickliffe. All ladies of the parish are welcome to attend. Sign ups will be in the Gathering Area. Deadline is Friday, December 6th.

Dinner will be a Brunch buffet, coffee, tea, and soda included; cash bar. Cost of the dinner is $30. Make checks payable to Our Lady’s Guild. You may pay in the Parish Office or drop in the collection basket; make sure your envelope is clearly marked Our Lady’s Guild.

Young Catholic Moms from our parish are gathering in homes on a monthly basis to discuss a Catholic reading of their choice. Moms can come with or without their children! Time and location are subject to change depending on interest in hosting. If you would like more information or would like to join, please call parishioner Katie Mormile at (440) 488- 2803.

Ministry Opportunities

Eucharistic Adoration – Join us on Mondays to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  If interested in a specified hour or if you cannot keep your designated hour, please contact Debbie Lokar at the parish office. “Jesus waits for us in the sacrament of love and you are greatly needed” (Pope John Paul II).

Would you like to be an Altar Server?  Grades 4 and up, including adults, are welcome to learn. Contact Deacon John at (440) 256-1412.

Please join our Prayer Chain Ministry:  Prayer requests or to add your e-mail address, contact Gina Rensi at prayerchain@divinewordkirtland.org

Subscribe to our Divine Word  YouTube Channel.


False Emails and Faux Texts from Fr. Dave:

Please be aware that a number of parishioners have received false emails from Fr. Dave, and now it seems people are also being texted.

Law enforcement has advised that we should not respond to the email or text.  If you receive false information, please discard it.

Diocese of Cleveland Hotline

To Report Suspected Abuse To the Diocese: (216) 334-2999

To Get Assistance with Counseling: (216) 334-2999