Divine Word Finance Council:

The Parish Finance Council exists based upon Canon Law. The Divine Word Finance Council:

  • Provides financial guidance to the Pastor as he discharges his canonical responsibilities in operating the parish;
  • Represents a formalized way to bring together people of varying skills and expertise in finance, administration, law, and other important areas of expertise to provide guidance to the pastor and other parish bodies as they discern matters that affect significant financial concerns;
  • Seeks the guidance of the Holy Spirit;
  • Carefully reviews and analyzes fiscal and operational situations at the parish and recommends plans, policies and other appropriate strategies to support pastoral priorities.

Specifically, the Finance Council’s Purpose is to:

Assume responsibility, in conjunction with the Pastor and Business Manager, for the finances of the parish. This shall include developing and monitoring a church budget and financial recording and reporting. A broader approach is to contemplate how all that the Council performs leads to an enhanced relationship with Jesus for self and parishioners.

The Finance Council meets quarterly, or more frequently if determined necessary by the Council Chair or Pastor.

Current Members:

  • Andrea Hogan – Chair
  • John Kelleher
  • Nick Fatica
  • Jim Rote
  • Carla Mahoney-Ott
  • Adrian Byrne
  • Sue Pavlisko

Staff Liaisons:  Amy Reynolds, Shari Allwood, and Fr. Dave Woost