Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy:

What will you leave behind? How positive will your legacy be? Making a difference in your community can leave a lasting legacy. There are many ways to make a difference, and it doesn’t always require a big commitment of time or resources. Sometimes, it’s the small changes we make that can have the biggest impact.

Planning Ahead – Have You Made a Will? We’re excited to share an invaluable resource with you: a free, legal will-writing tool offered by the Catholic Community Foundation of our diocese in partnership with FreeWill. Planning for the future is a crucial aspect of stewardship, and this tool empowers you to express your love for your family and support our parish’s mission effortlessly.

We encourage you to seize this opportunity to plan for the future responsibly. Your actions today can have a lasting impact on your loved ones and our parish community. To begin drafting your will, visit www.catholiccommunity.org/freewill.


Legacy Fund

As we demonstrate our devotion to God, we are reminded to be stewards of our faith.  By providing a gift through your estate planning, you leave a sign of your commitment to continue the good work of the Church.  To begin planning for your legacy, or to become a member of the Divine Word Legacy Society, please contact Fr. Dave or Amy Reynolds at the parish office for a confidential conversation.