Our center window represents the Son and has the open book of the Divine Word, “NIKA” (which means Jesus conquers), the Chi-Rho, a Greek symbol PX which stands for Christ, and the flame, signifying the zeal of the Divine Word. The combination also suggests the resurrection, with the Chi-Rho rising from the flame.

Father – O Ω N
In the East Nave, we find the Dawn of Creation and window dedicated to the Father. The Greek letters mean “I am” – the manner in which God identified Himself to Moses in the burning bush.

Holy Spirit – NOMOS
To the west we see the waters of Baptism and a symbol of the Spirit. The Greek letters mean “breath” . . . as God breaths His life into our daily lives.

The rose windows fulfill in symbol the request of Pope John Paul II  that we should welcome the new Christian millennium in the name of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.